The Autism Initiative Project is funded by a grant from the New York City Council under its Autism Initiative. This project supplements the work of Sinergia’s Metropolitan Parent Center by bringing increased awareness to New York City residents, particularly to the communities with large Spanish speaking populations, about the growing population of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.


Federal Law
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law that secures special education services for children with disabilities from the time they are born until they graduate from high school or reach the age of 21, whichever a student reaches first. Ld Online provides a copy of IDEA which is formatted in a way that makes the law more accessible. The document can be found at:


May 18, 2020

Disruptions to our personal and professional lives, due to the Covid-19 virus, has created schedule changes. New social distancing norms and school and programs closings present unique challenges to individuals with developmental disabilities / intellectual disabilities and their families.  Because we are sensitive to the needs of these individuals and their families, Sinergia has compiled these resources aimed at providing current information about programs and services in our community that we hope, will help to reduce anxiety and restoring new avenues to access serviced during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please feel free to contact our main intake line at 212-643-2840 ext. 336 or send us an email at  or should you have any education-related question.
We will update this list frequently and want to invite you to share with us information about other programs that other families can benefit from it, email us at
Thank you and we urge you to be vigilant in protecting the health and safety of yourselves, your families and your communities.


Las interrupciones en nuestra vida personal y profesional, debido al virus Covid-19, han creado cambios en nuestras rutinas. Las nuevas normas de distanciamiento social y el cierre de escuelas y programas para personas con discapacidades presentan desafíos únicos para las personas con discapacidades del desarrollo / discapacidades intelectuales y sus familias. Debido a que somos sensibles a las necesidades de estas personas y sus familias, Sinergia ha recopilado estos recursos destinados a proporcionar información actualizada sobre programas y servicios en nuestra comunidad, que esperamos,  le ayude a reducir la ansiedad y a acceder a otros servicos  durante la pandemia del COVID -19.
No dude en comunicarse con nuestra línea de intake al 212-643-2840 ext. 336 o envíenos un correo electrónico a   si tiene alguna pregunta relacionada con la educación especial de su hijo (a).
Actualizaremos esta lista con frecuencia y queremos invitarle a compartir con nosotros información sobre otros programas que otras familias pueden beneficiarse de ella, nos puede enviar un correo electrónico a
Gracias y les instamos a que estén atentos para proteger la salud y la seguridad de ustedes, sus familias y sus comunidades.



What is the State Performance Plan (SPP)
The reauthorized Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), signed on December 3, 2004, required that, not later than one year after the date of enactment of the reauthorized IDEA, each state is required to have in place a performance plan evaluating the state's implementation of Part B and describing how the state will improve such implementation. This plan is called the Part B and has 20 indicators. The State Performance Plan (SPP is required to be posted on the states website.

Board Members

We are very appreciative of Sinergia’s Board of Directors, which has demonstrated true leadership and vision. The majority of our Board is composed of parents who are committed to our mission, have deep roots in our community, have first-hand experience in raising children with special needs, and are experts at navigating the systems and resources necessary for children to attain the quality of life. The members truly represent and are dedicated to the people they serve.

Message from the executive director

Welcome to Sinergia’s website, which features many changes.  In the coming months, we hope to make our website more useful – with more information and publications that can be downloaded.  We also hope to offer many opportunities to get involved in our advocacy work to preserve and improve services for people with disabilities, especially those from culturally and linguistically diverse communities in New York City.


In person events are postponed until further notice and all workshops are available Via Zoom or GoToWebinar or Facebook Live, dates and links are posted on our calendar

All workshops explore a variety of issues of interest to participants, to include: