Travel Training: Traveling with Strangers and Problem Solving / Entrenamiento de viaje: Viajar con extraños y resolver problemas (YAI Pt. 2)

Wednesday June 5, 2024 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

This webinar is Part 2 of 2. View the Part 1 (4/4/24) recording, here Travel Training Part 1 Video - The recommended audience for this Travel Training Series is New York City parents and youth who rely primarily on public transportation, like the subway and bus, for their daily commute.

Traveling with Strangers: 
This training will review proactive strategies for traveling alongside strangers, including how to identify a stranger, how to respond if a stranger approaches, and how to recognize potentially dangerous situations while traveling in the community.  

Problem Solving- Getting Lost: 
When traveling on public transportation, unexpected issues may arise.  Skills for dealing with these unanticipated moments should be practiced.  This presentation will review how to recognize when you are lost, resources in the community to help problem solve and where to access help when needed.  
Este presentacion es la Parte 2 de 2. Vea la grabación de la Parte 1 (4/4/24), aquí Video de Entrenamiento de Viaje Parte 1. La audiencia recomendada son los padres y jóvenes de la ciudad de Nueva York que dependen principalmente del transporte público, como el metro y el autobús, para sus desplazamientos diarios.

Viajar con extraños:
Este entrenamiento revisará estrategias proactivas para viajar junto a extraños, incluyendo cómo identificar a un extraño, cómo responder si un extraño se acerca, y cómo reconocer situaciones potencialmente peligrosas mientras viaja en la comunidad.

Solución de problemas: que hacer si me extravío?
Cuando viaja en transporte público, pueden surgir problemas inesperados. Las habilidades para lidiar con estos momentos imprevistos deben ser practicadas. Esta presentación revisará cómo reconocer cuándo se pierde, los recursos en la comunidad para ayudar a resolver problemas y dónde acceder a la ayuda cuando sea necesario.


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Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: YAI - Travel Training: Traveling with Strangers and Problem Solving / Entrenamiento de viaje: Viajar con extraños y resolver problemas Pt. 2. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joinin

This webinar is Part 2 of 2. View the Part 1 (4/4/24) recording, here The recommended audience for this Travel Training Series is New York City parents and youth who rely primarily on public transportation, like the subway and bus, for their daily commute. Traveling with Strangers:  This training will review proactive strategies for traveling alongside strangers, including how to identify a stranger, how to respond if a stranger approaches, and how to recognize potentially dangerous situations while traveling in the community.   Problem Solving- Getting Lost:  When traveling on public transportation, unexpected issues may arise.  Skills for dealing with these unanticipated moments should be practiced.  This presentation will review how to recognize when you are lost, resources in the community to help problem solve and where to access help when needed.   Questions? Contact Rima Izquierdo: . . Este presentacion es la Parte 2 de 2. Vea la grabació