Metropolitan Parent Center

The Metropolitan Parent Center offers training presented on a variety of topics related to special education, ranging from one-time workshops on topics of current interest to an intensive advocacy series designed to develop the knowledge and skills of parents to advocate for their own children and assist other parents.  Training sessions are detailed in our online calendar, and offered year-round at Sinergia or at host organizations. MPC also provides one-to-one assistance and advocacy to help parents resolve special education issues. The Center's Autism Initiative is a significant project that provides support and training to parents of children on the autism spectrum, as well as an arts program for children on the spectrum.

Sinergia, Inc., is a member of the NY Region 1 Parent Training and Information Center (PTIC) Collaborative, a federally-funded project of the United States Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs.

Announcing the New York Region 1 PTIC Collaborative: For many years, Sinergia has been a federally funded Parent Training and Information Center. On October 1, we were proud to help launch the New York Region 1 PTIC Collaborative thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. We will be working with Advocates for Children of New York, IncludeNYC, and the Long Island Advocacy Center to provide training and information to families of children with disabilities, as well as, the professionals that work with them throughout New York City and Long Island.